
Elemis Retouching and image manipulation

Working with a selection of raw images, the first step was to complete a Master Library of single images, which would be used throughout the campaign.

Master images were then manipulated into group shots with lighting, shadow and reflections adjusted for final artwork.

Michael Kors

Michael Kors Retouching and image manipulation

This was a process which by following the clients brief included the removal of distracting elements, changing parts of the image and beautifying its surroundings, all in order to provide a final and contemporary look.

Each image had its own considerations with a level of visual consistency.


Wagamama Retouching and image manipulation

Following the clients brief our prep work consisted of creating a library of assets, masked with general clean up and lighting/shadow applied for a consistent look.

Following sketch work we then used these same assets to manipulate the final prep work.

John Lewis

John Lewis Retouching and stop animation

Prep on six separate products, background removed and paper re-worked to fit product more precisely.

Lighting and shadow applied for consistency and background dropped in for final frame work.

Gif produced for each of the six products.
Product unwraps itself.

Ford Stylist

Ford Stylist Skin and apparel prep

Prep on eight model shots for blemishes, skin tone, hair and nails.

Clothing tucked for reshape and creases removed.


Lexus Editorial Prep Work

Across 4 models with 38 frames we firstly created a master folder for each prep piece.

By using the sketch work provided by the client we then comped and manipulated each frame before reducing capacity to create a visual effect of motion.

This same process was consistently applied for all 4 final prep-works before being returned to client for use within the Lexus campaign.

New Look

New Look E-Commerce

Across new collections ranging from 2017 to date, multiple raw shots were supplied so that these could be manipulated into an invisible mannequin.

Inner necks were comped, product restyled to spec, creases removed, Colour correction applied and consistency met throughout full range.

Producing more than 500 images per day across multiple clients we return these within a 24 hour cycle.

Our Solution

These are the images which sell a product and relate to the subject on a personal level, with the view of enticing the viewer and making the sale.

Each image had its own considerations and the client also have their own requirements about how the final image should look which with a collection at hand required a level of visual consistency.


+44 (0)208 304 6527