Ways to promote your event on LinkedIn


  1. Post a status update on your personal Linkedin page. Add a few lines about the event and paste the URL to the page where tickets can be bought (i.e. EventBrite).


  1. To make the status more eye catching to users, add an image or video.


  1. Get your event post posted in a Pulse channel. This will help you reach a much larger audience, way beyond your personal connections. Getting published in a channel requires a post that satisfies the criteria of the Linkedin algorithm to be seen as ‘relevant and interesting’. Linkedin don’t specific the criteria, but you can look at other posts within a pulse channel to gain an idea as to what your post should be like.


  1. Direct message users who may be interested in the event. This may be a user within the same industry, or those with a relevant job title. You can use the basic search and Linkedin groups to source these people. If you use this method, you must be wary of coming across like you’re cold calling – make it personal.


  1. Publish a post on your official company Linkedin page. All users following the page will see the post advertising your event in their timeline.


  1. Create a Linkedin group and add relevant users to the group. I would be careful with this method as not to be seen as ‘spammy’.


  1. Contact the speakers at your event and ask them to guest post on your Linkedin page, company page or group. A Q&A can also be conducted through the post comments.


  1. Paid ads. You can buy an advert block or sponsor your update. The most effective method is a status update as it appears within a users news feed and can contain multimedia content, whereas paid ad blocks are more like Google Adwords. All ads allow you to target who views your ad (location, job title, industry etc)